Post by Anni on Jan 5, 2008 7:32:04 GMT
Please use the following form for your profile. Be descriptive when writing out about your character.
You may join as any of the following roles;
Sheriff's Man
Outlaw (you must pm an admin to get permission)
Greensleeves (you must pm an admin to get permission)
King Richard's Man (soldier in the Holy Land)
Noble Man/Woman
Check out the Character Ratio thread to know which roles are more needed on the site.
Post your profile in a new thread and I will move it to the accepted profiles once you have been accepted by me or any staff member.
[IMG*]image goes here, please make it a good size[/*IMG]
Hello, I am YOUR NAME HERE. I have been RPGing for YEARS YOU’VE RP’ED.
Othere characters that I play are LIST OTHER CHARACTERS.
If you need to contact me, please PM/MESSANGER/E-MAIL me at INSERT CONTACT.
name: first and last name
occupation: sherif's man, outlaw, rogue . . If you say villager you should put what the villager does.
t h e l o o k s[/font][/center]
hair: color, length, style
eyes: color and shape
build: height, skinny, curvaceous
distinguishing features: does your character have a scar or a birthmark?
face claim:
t h e p e r s o n a l i t y[/font][/color]
likes: at least 10
dislikes: at least 10
strengths: at least 5
weaknesses: at least f5
overall personality: at least two paragraphs, 6-8 sentences each.
t h e h i s t o r y[/font]
other significant people:
history: a detailed history of your character. At least 3 - 4 paragraphs at minimum.
a l i t t l e m o r e[/font][/color]
member title: don’t make it too long
where did you hear about us?
anything else?
password: find it in the rules
RPG sample:
You may join as any of the following roles;
Sheriff's Man
Outlaw (you must pm an admin to get permission)
Greensleeves (you must pm an admin to get permission)
King Richard's Man (soldier in the Holy Land)
Noble Man/Woman
Check out the Character Ratio thread to know which roles are more needed on the site.
Post your profile in a new thread and I will move it to the accepted profiles once you have been accepted by me or any staff member.
[/color][/font][IMG*]image goes here, please make it a good size[/*IMG]
o u t o f c h a r a c t e r
[/font][/color]Hello, I am YOUR NAME HERE. I have been RPGing for YEARS YOU’VE RP’ED.
Othere characters that I play are LIST OTHER CHARACTERS.
If you need to contact me, please PM/MESSANGER/E-MAIL me at INSERT CONTACT.
i n c h a r a c t e r
name: first and last name
occupation: sherif's man, outlaw, rogue . . If you say villager you should put what the villager does.
t h e l o o k s
hair: color, length, style
eyes: color and shape
build: height, skinny, curvaceous
distinguishing features: does your character have a scar or a birthmark?
face claim:
t h e p e r s o n a l i t y
likes: at least 10
dislikes: at least 10
strengths: at least 5
weaknesses: at least f5
overall personality: at least two paragraphs, 6-8 sentences each.
t h e h i s t o r y
other significant people:
history: a detailed history of your character. At least 3 - 4 paragraphs at minimum.
a l i t t l e m o r e
member title: don’t make it too long
where did you hear about us?
anything else?
password: find it in the rules
RPG sample: